Understand your body
Donnybrook Natural Health is here to help you and your family achieve optimum levels of health through natural medical methods of treatment. The focus is to promote health awareness in the community. You will learn how to understand your body and look after it so you can maintain the level of healthiness you will achieve through the guidance of Donnybrook Natural Health Clinic. contactmake an appointmentYou are feeling out of touch. Tired, stressed, unwell.
You know something isn’t right, but you are not sure why. You feel tired and anxious. Stressed out, struggling with weight, trying to keep the family together (while not losing yourself), hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems or a long-standing chronic condition that just won’t budge.
Frustrated with how your body feels, you know that the discomfort is telling you something. Are you craving to feel like you used to, vibrant & full of life. You are tired of just ‘existing’. You want to live life to the full. Something needs to change.
Donnybrook Natural Health Clinic is here to help you unlock the keys to understand the discomfort, signs and symptoms from your body, which is letting you know it’s time to WAKE UP & TAKE CHARGE. We are here to restore and nourish your body and mind from the inside out.
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Know the difference
Over the years I’ve had many people approaching me and telling me, despite all the supplements they are taking, they are still not getting better. For example, I had a lady telling me she had been taking Vitamin D supplements for many years but her levels won’t go up. After digging a bit deeper, I had found out, that she had been taking an over the counter Vitamin D supplement, which had a minimal amount of Vitamin D, 333IU/per tablet.