Would you like help with managing your Ance, Dermatitis, Eczema or psoriasis?
Do you suffer from a distressing skin condition?
Many people who suffer from skin conditions like acne, dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis find that many conventional treatment available do not successfully manage their skin symptoms effectively.
The good news is that, if you have a skin condition that is causing you distress, Natural Medicine can help.
Skin – so much more than just a covering…
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It functions to eliminate toxins, regulate body temperature and protect the inside of the body from potential invading micro-organism. The body literally sheds millions of skin cells every day and completely replaces itself roughly every 27 says. This means that if you improve the factors that are contributing to your skin problems, then dramatic improvements to your skin should start to be seen within just one of two months.
What causes skin Conditions?
Skin problems are rarely the result of one single factor. The skin is a reflection of the health of your internal environment. There are often many things to consider when managing a skin condition. For example:
- If your digestion and detoxification system are not functioning properly, your skin will suffer
- If you stress levels are high, then the inflammation this causes can become visible through your skin,
- If your circulation and/or lymphatic system are congested then your skin will reflect this.
- Finally, if your diet contains too many junk foods and/or is lacking certain nutrients then your skin will let everyone know you are not feeding your body what it needs.
Natural Medicine can help!
Creating healthy skin is not just about applying creams and lotions onto your skin to make the problem go away – you also need to address the underlying factors that could be contributing to the problem.
Book this package to receive a personalised treatment program to address the specific underlying causes of your idividual condition and assist you in feeling happier and healthier on the inside out.
Package Price $230 SAVE $25! 1 Initial Consultation (2 hours) and 2 Follow up Consultations (30mins) included. |
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