Management through the identification of triggers

A migraine is a headache which is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting,
sensitivity to light/sound and typically occurs on one side of the head.
It occurs when changes in nerve cell activity & blood flow in the brain cause
inflammation – triggering pain.

Migraines generally last between 4 and 72 hours.


  • Throbbing pain – most people find normal activity/movement makes the pain/throbbing worse.
  • Some migraine sufferers report an ‘aura’ before the migraine starts. This aura can involve flashing lights, visual disturbance or even a change in smell perception.
  • Other associated symptoms before, or at the time, of onset are: nausea, vomiting, numbness of the face, hands or feet and increases sensitivity of the senses.

There are many causes and potential triggers:

  • Susceptibility to migraines seems to have a genetic link
  • Migraines impact women more than men, leading researchers to believe that female sex hormones may play a role. For half of women migraine sufferers, migraines will occur a few days prior to menstruation. Migraines that occur AFTER menstruation/during may be due to low iron. This should be tested.
  • Triggers vary from person to person – there also may be more than one trigger.

Triggers for migraines can be categorised:

  • FOOD TRIGGERS: e.g. Chocolate, Wine, Citrus, Preservatives/Food additives, Cheese, Caffeine. NOTE: Food triggers can present as a migraine up to 24-48 hours after eating and are not always immediate. These can also accumulate – i.e. trigger depends on the amount of intolerable food consumed over hours/days.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL TRIGGERS: e.g. Florescent lights, Chemicals
  • PHYSIOLOGICAL TRIGGERS: e.g. Stress, Exercise, Low blood sugar, Dehydration
  • The functional medicine approach is great for treating migraine in its roots.


Treating your migraine in its roots and identify your Triggers will ensure your debilitation Migraines are a thing of the past.

Package Price $230
 SAVE $25!
1 Initial Consultation (2 hours)
and 2 Follow up Consultations (30mins) included.
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