Getting adequate sleep is absolutely critical for your health.
Not getting enough sleep can have huge consequences for our health. Even just one night of inadequate sleep is enough to elicit those stereotypical sleep-deprivation symptoms:
- being forgetful
- inability to concentrate or calculate
- mood swings
- irritability
- feeling drowsy
- yawning
- feeling less motivated
- sugar cravings
- and a fantastical willingness to switch from drinking coffee to a straight caffeine IV
The impact that sleep deprivation has on our behavior is just the tip of the iceberg.
Inadequate sleep is also linked to:
- an impaired immune system
- increased risk of diabetes
- increased risk of cardiovascular disease
- increased risk of obesity
- and a growing list of other chronic illnesses.
And while the world debates about the perfect carbohy-
drate to fat ratio of our diet and whether or not saturated
fats are evil, how little sleep we get as a society in relation
to how much we need is the elephant in the room!
Do You feel like the walking dead?
Get in contact with me to get your deep restorative sleep back.
Package Price $230 SAVE $25! 1 Initial Consultation (2 hours) and 2 Follow up Consultations (30mins) included. |
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